row2k Features
Alvin Felman
March 8, 2011
Erik Dresser,

Felman racing for South Florida at the Sarasota Invitational

This week's row2k Interview is with 82 year old Alvin Feldman. Alvin rowed for the University of South Florida at the Sarasota Invitional, and unofficially became the oldest athlete to compete in an athletic event for a recognized university.

row2k - How did it come about that you are competing for your university at age 82?
Alvin Felman - I row out of the same club as the University of South Florida , The Stewards Foundation. Usually we are in the water at the same times in the mornings and I got to know the coach, Michael. Since I am a faculty member of the University, I asked whether I could row for the team and he answered that I could. I then began to train with them and was named to the team as a singles rower. It just so happens that I am 81 years old, I will be 82 in 3 weeks but for the handicap of the Regatta, I was considered 82.

row2k - When did you learn to row, and where?
Alvin Felman - I started rowing four years ago at the Stewards foundation in Tampa, Florida.

row2k - Do you train with the school team, and if so how have they received you?
Alvin Felman - I report each morning to the team coach and train in my single while the team is working with their shells. The coach gives me my own instructions. I have been received very warmly by the students and seem to be accepted as a regular member of the team. I help out when I can and have been letting the team use my single for their rowers.

row2k - How have you verified that you're oldest athlete to have ever competed in an athletic event for a recognized university?
Alvin Felman - I contacted the archive office of the NCAA, and inquired about whether they had records of the ages of athletes that have competed. I received the following answer:

Mr. Felman,
The NCAA does not keep track of the ages of student - athletes , so I am unable to definitively answer your inquiry. I have had similar inquiries and have received information about specific individuals. A 60 year old defensive back for Ashland University, a 61 year old woman golfer at Barry University and 70 something tennis player.

I regret that I am unable to be of assistance.

From this I concluded that I am at least according to unofficial NCAA records, the oldest person to have represented a university in an athletic competition.

row2k - To what do you attribute your longevity and health such that you are able to compete in the single in your eighties?
Alvin Felman - I have no secrets about my longevity except that I have never smoked, or consumed alcohol. I have maintained the same weight over my lifetime. I have always remained active with various sports including tennis, equine polo, sailing and recently rowing. Since taking up the sport of rowing, I have been able to maintain a high level of physical condition. I am a cancer survivor of 20 years and had coronary artery stents place about 7 years ago. I do not feel that age is any impediment to rowing as long as one keeps in good condition and puts in the time on the erg machine etc.

row2k - Do you have any favorite or special memories from your time/years rowing?
Alvin Felman - One of my most memorable experiences was at the Head of the Hillsborough race when I heard people yelling encouragement to me as I came to the finish line. The most recent competition in which I wore the colors and the uniform of the University of South Florida was also a high point.

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03/10/2011  9:41:22 AM
Al is Fantastic, but damn, that handicap!!!

03/09/2011  6:48:00 PM
Al Felman is my personal hero ! Seeing Al at the boathouse in the morning puts things in perspective ! Always a smile , a joke and a helping hand !

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